Creation Of The Layout For The Spread!

The Key Points Needed For The Layout

 Next, I started to deal with the elements of design for the magazine. Elements such as staying within the external margins, placing objects between three or more columns, dominant photos, captions, eyeline, white space and copy. We also developed the concept of secondary coverage presented in the image below. All of these contribute to the organization of the magazines content for it to turn out correctly. We were given multiple assignments to apply this criteria to testing our understanding. 



We then went more in depth with fonts. We had to understand how different types of fonts add to the magazine. We were assigned an assignment where we chose 5 types of secondary coverage and explained why the fonts we chose add and goes along with the coverage. We explained how adding boldness, shadows, colors and even adjusting the position of the texts can add to the secondary coverage.



 After completing this we moved onto layouts and headlines. We learned that the headline is a very important part of the magazine since its one of the main components. The headline consists of verbal/visual connections with the image reflecting off of the copy which catches the readers attention. 

Example of a verbal/visual connection I came up with: 

My verbal/visual connection example


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