Brainstorming Ideas!

 Studying The Construction Of Common Websites

This was an assignment given to us by our teacher to help us understand how fonts, colors, and overall organization of the website makes the website appealing to the eye. She gave us multiple websites to study and break apart how the fonts, colors, photography, and messages all contributed to the theme of the websites. This allowed me to get some ideas on how I can have the colors of my magazine corollate with the food being presented on the page. Throughout looking at the websites there were many eye catching colors such as red, blue, and yellow to catch the consumers attention to important information. I had the idea of using this for side bars to catch the readers attention for special recipe tips. The information that I took in from this assignment was put to use for the theme worksheet we were to complete later on that month. 
Here are some examples of the websites we compared: 

Old Navy


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